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Pollutant Release and Transfer Register ( PRTR) Information System

In order to promote public participation in environmental issues, EPA sought advice from international Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) Systems and integrated domestic environmental databases to build a PRTR website. PRTR website is a key tool to provide the public with data regarding the amount of toxic chemicals, pollutants released to air, water, soil, and waste. For each facility, information is provided concerning the amounts of pollutant releases to air, water and land as well as off-site transfers of waste and of pollutants in waste water from a list of key pollutants including heavy metals, pesticides, greenhouse gases and dioxins. The main purpose of this project is to revise the original PRTR website, construct and reinvent progressive functions including integrated search databases, geographic information interface (Google Map), auto-scheduling data inspection system and data analysis and management system. Therefore, public could easily access to the information through multiple and friendly search interface. Government could use data analysis system to enhance the efficiency of management.
Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR), Information System